Mask Icon  A Safety Message Regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)

To our loyal customers,

During these unique times, we are grateful to continue to serve your essential needs. While many things have changed, our commitment to safely deliver critical resources to our customers and our community has not. We would like to update you on the measures we are taking to keep everyone safe.

  • Our team is working remotely wherever possible.

  • We have implemented strict social distancing measures throughout our work areas and closed our business locations to customers and visitors.

  • Our gas stations are cashless with limited hours.

  • Drivers have dedicated trucks that are fully stocked with cleaning supplies and sanitizer.

  • We vigorously clean and disinfect frequently touched objects, surfaces and work areas.

  • Employees are advised to follow all recommended preventative measures including frequent handwashing and remaining home if they are ill.

We are fortunate that our supply remains strong and that we can continue to deliver without delays. We will closely monitor and adapt our operations based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) along with guidance from federal, state and local agencies.  We will update you of any changes or if we anticipate any potential supply chain disruptions.

Again, we sincerely thank you for trusting us. While we are all feeling the burden, it’s easier to face anything when we support one another. We will get through this together. Please stay safe and healthy.


Don Stone, President